
Downshifting From Ludicrous Speed

Do you remember that scene from Space Balls where they put their ship into ludicrous speed? The first day on expedition is kind of the opposite of that.

Our daily lives aren't just media rich and over stimulated... sometimes it can be a little ludicrous! We ask a lot of students and ourselves. We go from family or dorm to class, from class to lunch and meetings, from there to afternoon activities (don't forget play practice, extra help, dinner and time to relax), then off to study hall, evening duty and the all important after study hall video games.

*phew* how exhausting!

So when we get out on trail we really change the pace. After walking for an hour (maybe playing the geography game, or a minute mystery) it's time to take off your sweater... and that might be the highlight for that hour! We have everything we need with us... even the idea of getting somewhere is a flexible concept based on weather, the group and our ambition.

How cool is that?! Let's downshift right from ludicrous to authentic, mellow, in tune and well rested! That and a double helping of mac and cheese will help our students sleep well tonight.

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