The gym is empty and silent - another course start is complete and all groups are out on the trail!
The morning started with some final staff preparations and words of wisdom. We took a moment to snap this group staff shot before the sophomores arrived.

Once the students were here Mr. Menke said a few words to help the students focus in and get excited.

Then it was on to 'duffle shuffle' as we call it - the last clothing check before heading out on course. This is a chance to carefully look at every last piece of gear, borrow anything that is still needed and leave behind that shampoo and deodorant or whatever else might have seemed like a good idea in the morning.

I should mention that we don't rush out on course today, there is ample time for teaching the finer points of packing a backpack, important safety lessons or just a fun moment together as a crew.

After all that, it's time to ring the bell (letting campus know the group is heading out on course) and off to the bus.

Sophomores - best of luck, we know you will do a great job... learn... laugh... struggle... and overcome. We celebrate your efforts!
Conner Redman looks a little concerned in this photo.
You think? Maybe he's trying to figure out how to keep up with Mr. Freeman?
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