
Just under two weeks to go

Okay folks - we have just under two weeks to go now before the expedition and the weather today is beautiful! Sunny and in the 80's down here in New Hampton.

It's true that the weather will be colder up in the mountains but still it's a good omen to have this good weather before the trip.

I'm shifting gears a bit with the site today. The outdoor retailer information is coming down and some different links are going up. If you are still shopping and have questions, no worries - check out this post for some suggestions or give me a call.

The new links include a full weather report section including the five day forecast for Lincoln, NH - the closest big town to most of the trails we are hiking. Also you will find the Appalacian Mountain Club daily report for peaks and valleys. This report covers a pretty wide area but it will be more accurate due to the large difference in temperatures and weather depending on elevation. For fun I've also included the weather here on campus so you have something to compare with the weather in the mountains.

The course area resources section has some links to reading and pictures about the areas our students are hiking.

I hope you enjoy! Let me know if you are looking for something that you don't see here.

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