All of this amazing learning can only happen, I tell our instructor teams, when our students are relatively warm, dry and well fed. It's critical for our students to be eating, drinking, staying warm and resting in addition to taking on all of the great challenges they will overcome together.

A big part of this is the work the instructor teams do. Teaching backcountry skills, setting up challenges within the grasp of the group at a particular moment, guiding them, facilitating their experience.
Another critical component of this 'magic uncomfortable' is having the right gear so groups can handle whatever the mountains in spring can throw our way. That's where I come in by providing all the group gear and camping equipment our crews will need.

This year we will pack out tents, sleeping bags, backpacks and stoves that are top of the line. This gear, brand new or just a year old, will directly contribute to a warm, dry and well fed crew of sophomores.

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