
Welcome to SophX 2010

Hi folks - many of you may be checking into the SophX blog for the first time as we get close to the expedition! Welcome. I'm Hans Mundahl and I'll be helping the sophomores and their trip leaders have a successful trip.

During the trip I'll post info, pictures, updates and stories as I hear them from the field.

Two questions I am frequently asked:
  • Q: Don't you go on the expedition? A: Not any more... I did for the early years, but now my role is different. If a group needs something it's my job to take care of them. In the past I've brought injured students out of the field (rare, but it happens), or brought supplies in (like the group that lost their cooking pot the first night when it was dropped into a brook and wasn't recovered).
  • Q: How do you know what is going on out there? A: The short answer is I don't, although we pack sat phones out with every group, we don't use them except in an emergency. But from time to time a group will call in, or I will visit a group, or a photographer will hike in, and I'll get an update. Remember, in general no news is good news!
Check out the resources we have on the blog here, like the weather reports in the side bar (the AMC one is the best), the page just for parents, pictures from trainings and past years and many other resources.

If you still have questions, give me a shout: my phone number is (603) 677-3546 or my email is hmundahl@newhampton.org.

We look forward to taking the sophomores on expedition this year!

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