
Pre Trip Meetings

Well - things are really heating up around here... but not in the sun screen, shorts and ball cap kind of a way. Actually what I mean is the expedition is really getting close to starting!

With just a few weeks from course start and we've seen every kind of weather New England can throw at us. We've had rain, snow (yes snow!), wind, sun, and bugs. All the more reason to carefully check through that gear list and pick up everything you need.

We've been busily packing gear, working over food lists, and counting spoons, whistles and packs. We've also been connecting with students and working through some basic and important information:
  • Do we have everything we need?
  • Where will we be sleeping on the trip?
  • What will we be eating on the trip?
  • Where are we going?
We have one more meeting coming up before we start out - so stay tuned!

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