
Blizzard causes hikers to retreat

I just got back from checking in with the Wilderness Trail group. They were crossing the Bonds yesterday when a sudden snow squall hit them in the late afternoon. They were forced to retreat from the bare exposed summit (good call) and hunker down for what turned out to be a cold, wet night. As one member of the group put it, "I never would have expected a blizzard in May!"

Actually snow isn't that rare on the expedition. Most years we at least see snow on the trail and about every other year we have some fall during the course. They reported about 3"-4" fell during the night.

What is more rare is the large bull moose that they saw today! I've been hiking for years in the White Mountains and I've never seen a moose on the trails. They saw a big one today and were able to snap a few pictures before it lumbered off into the woods.

I spoke with the group this morning when they were pretty beat and needed some rest. By the time I caught up with them at camp they were much more rested and drying out. I dropped off some socks and sleeping bags I had brought and that cheered them up even more!

Unfortunately I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures of them. Right now they are figuring out how to modify their route for the next few days and playing cards.

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